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    Post Christmas Motivation

    How to feel motivated after the holidays…

    After the Christmas break or even a holiday, I am sure we all get the back to work fear – even those (like us) who love their jobs! It might be overwhelming or difficult to feel motivated for that first day back.

    Finding some external motivation might just be the thing you need. There are a few tips I keep up my sleeve to help shake off those January blues and I want to share some of my best ones with you.


    It might be the last thing you want to do after a relaxing break but you are relaxed now so waking up early should be a little easier. A 20 minute HIIT session before work will wake you up and refresh you. I recommend Joe Wicks Body Coach TV on youtube for a free session. He is also doing 3 weekly workouts live on Facebook in January as well

    Make plans!

    Feeling a bit down post-Christmas is incredibly normal.

    Once Christmas has been and gone you might not have anything major lined up until, well, next Christmas! Fight that feeling and plan something to look forward to in the next 2-4 months.

    A holiday somewhere nice and warm? A relaxing spa weekend away with friends? If you’re in London, have a look at Timeout. They have tonnes of recommendations and offers – especially in January.

    Be social.

    Despite all that December socialising and catching-up, that doesn’t mean January has to be a write-off! Bare in mind that a lot of people might be committing to health kick or attempting dry January so try and find social activity that don’t revolve too much around food or booze. Why not arrange cinema trips, organise a book club or start a regular games night with friends.

    Inspire yourself

    YouTube is a treasure trove of motivational content and TED Talks are some of the best for finding new ways of thinking and looking at things.

    This is one of my favourites:


    Set goals!

    Giving yourself something to work towards or stay accountable to is a fool-proof way of giving yourself direction in January. It can be easy to get complacent without one, so if you only take away one thing from this article – set some personal goals!

    Our lovely events team have some great goals this year. Here are some of them:

    • Write more letters
    • Travel somewhere new every month
    • Be able to spin on ice
    • Cook a new recipe every week
    • Climb high peaks & mountains in the UK
    • Worry less and enjoy life more
    • Do one new thing in London every month

    We’ll let you know how we get on… Happy 2017!

    Written by Kat Winfield

    Contact us on 020 7874 7020 or email [email protected]

    BMA House, Tavistock Square, London, WC1H 9JP

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